On-Campus Service during Covid-19
Our service will be for an Hour 11 AM - 12 PM - Make sure you come on time for the service. We will begin and end promptly. Doors will be open 10:55 AM
Before Coming to the Sanctuary for service
We will pre-register for services to give us time to prepare to accommodate everyone. Please fill up the sign-up - each member of the family who attends the service should fill up the COVID Symptom Checker.
At the Church Campus
Park the car conveniently and walk towards the front door - only enter through the door with the entrance Sign. The Fellowship Hall or Fireside room is not open. Only Sanctuary and Restrooms are open for our use.
NO handshakes or hugs - Say Namaste from 6 feet apart.
There are Hand sanitizers in the foyer.
Masks are required to enter the building.
We will wear masks inside the building. No one loves them, but we ask you to please wear them to church and in the church.
In the Building
We will use only every other pew.
Each Family unit will be seated together. Children will be sitting along with their parents throughout the service.
We will keep a safe distance from one another by seating each family 6 feet apart.
Do not walk around in the Sanctuary.
We will limit touch by not passing the offering bucket. You can give online through our website to leave your check at the offering basket placed at the altar.
After the service
Our service will be only for an hour; After the benediction, we will leave the sanctuary aisle by aisle starting from the back and get out of the building as soon as possible. No hanging out in the foyer. You can meet people in the parking lot maintaining the social distance guidelines.